dijous, 24 d’octubre del 2013


The Animals dogs and cats I like in my live.  I identify with cats, because they are very loving. The cats is a animal very beautiful. Cat's can't come of the hgouse our.The cats haven hair of colours block, whait, brown, orange...
The dogs have longer hair. Have dogs tall and small.  
I have trhee cats. Two is boys. The color of cats is black and whati. One have long hair and is a character awgresif. Other cat is small hair, is very beautiful and is very very sweet.
The girl cat is black, brown and littel whait. They have brown eyes and is sweet. 
Before have two dogs. Fara and Tanco. The Fara answer girl and Tanco boy. The color of Fara is brown, black and whati. The color of Tanco is black and whati.

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