dimarts, 17 de desembre del 2013


I dislike playing rugby and ice hockey but yes like to play basketball.
Basketball is a game with a ball and the ball to enter the basket. There are two team with five players. James Naismith invented it, in December 1891 at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Exists Wheelchair accessible.
Women's basketball began in 1892.
Positions of a basketball team:

Base: up the ball to the opposite field and directs the offensive play of his    
         team. Players are not of elevated stature, really important thing is the  
         organizational capacity and direction of play.

Escolta: Small, fast and agile than the other player.

Alero: It is an important position for his ability to combine height and speed.

Ala-Pivot: They support the pivot to prevent the opposing team's inside play, and close the rebound.

Pivot: Players taller team, and muscularly stronger


dimarts, 10 de desembre del 2013

Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is when the headless horseman returns of you head. The Headless horseman takes the bad girl, gives a kiss in mouth and takes go tree.
I like this scene because I did expected the end. The bad girl ends up with hedless horseman. The protagonist of boy is Jhonny Deep and de protagonist of girl is Christina Ricci. There could be many end
but there is now fun.

Johnny Depp Christina Ricci


dimarts, 19 de novembre del 2013

The gothic Novel

1.) Who invented the G.N?

 Horace Walpole

2.) What was the first G.N?

The Castle of Otranto

3.) When was it first published? 


4.) Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?

Setting in a castle / An ancient prophecy / Omens, portents, visions / Women in distress / Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male / The vocabulary of the gothic


dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013

"Sleepy Hollow"

- Murder  (Assesinar)                                           - Decapitate (Decapitar)
- Murderer  (Assasi)                                             - Suspect (Suspitos)
- Investigator  ( Investigador)                                - Slain( Matar )
- Tomb ( Tomba )                                                 - Headless Horseman ( Ginet sense cap )
- Kill  (Matar )                                                      - Grave ( Tomba )
- Evil  Eye ( Mal d'ull )                                          - Cast a Spell ( embruixat )
- Bewiych ( Embruixat )                                        - Curse ( Malair o Maladicció )

dimarts, 29 d’octubre del 2013

The Parties.

I like very much go to parties. I like disco, dance and sing. I like hear the disco miusic. A time to dance, do a lot of exercise and move much body. When I go on holiday is when I get dressed, use makeup for eyes, lips and face. Only use sports shoes.

The sweets

I like sweets. Strawberry, apple, banana, lemon ... all savor. A not good for the teeth and good for dentist. There are in many colours and differents forms. The savor I can't find a sweet, bitter, acid and piquant.


dijous, 24 d’octubre del 2013


The Animals dogs and cats I like in my live.  I identify with cats, because they are very loving. The cats is a animal very beautiful. Cat's can't come of the hgouse our.The cats haven hair of colours block, whait, brown, orange...
The dogs have longer hair. Have dogs tall and small.  
I have trhee cats. Two is boys. The color of cats is black and whati. One have long hair and is a character awgresif. Other cat is small hair, is very beautiful and is very very sweet.
The girl cat is black, brown and littel whait. They have brown eyes and is sweet. 
Before have two dogs. Fara and Tanco. The Fara answer girl and Tanco boy. The color of Fara is brown, black and whati. The color of Tanco is black and whati.

dimarts, 22 d’octubre del 2013

Multiple Inteligence

The test came out that I am a very active person, I will move, do things ... I got 24% for logical intelligence. 
The part of linguistics I got 21% this means that I have the words, but I don't have a high vocabulary.
The logic of the numbers I got 17%. I have very little, but whit little times my intelligence will get better.
The interpersonal I got 25%, is to say 100%. I have not problem of the friends or have new people ...  
My intelligence is a 24%, I would say that almost 25% of the maximum. I think it was wrong because I don't like studying. I like study miusic, art... bat math, catala... Idon't like.
Theme music to 23%, I love music because is easy and I like songs, instruments.
The memory of an image is 19% I don't like lookin for pictures, peoples, objects...
The nature I got 20%. I don't like nature, flowers or trees but especially like and ask for the name and I remember Me.
My body is a smart 24% t I am active person, I like sports, party, play basketball, football, tennis... 

dimecres, 16 d’octubre del 2013

3 sentences I like

· You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
   ( Mai es pot creuar l'oceà a menys que tingui el coratge de perdre de vista la costa. )

· Whether you think you can or think you can't you're right.
  ( Tant si penses que pots o penses que no pots tens raó. )

·  Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
  (  La nostra major glòria no està en no caure mai, sinó a aixecar cada vegada que caiem. )

The first sentence I said that because if you have the courage to do not ever get it. I think it has a lot of reason why people now doing the opposite and if they do change things much.

The second sentence that you have chosen wants to know if you think you can not do not do it, but if you propose to do to get it costing you a lot to get it.

 The third sentence I liked it because you never lose hope in doing something because you can get if you propose. You also have to rely more on yourself because no body is better then you.


dimarts, 15 d’octubre del 2013

My dream

My dream is to be a teacher of young children. I love childrens, and since I have a lot of patience that could do very well. The project is the wish from small. Do not like to study and this work should not study hard. Young children are very complicated, but with a little patience and time would be good teacher. I've always thought of doing anything else but what best fits me and that is because it fits well, because not doing so? My dream I want to be a teacher more children.

dimecres, 9 d’octubre del 2013

My Mom

My mom. 
My mom is a sincere, responsible and very good mom. She does everything for me and my brothers. She always does everything for us. For me it is unique. She is always worry that we are well. When she saw we are mad, she push us up and when we make some thing wrong she talk with us. She makes the best food make the beds and always she bring us where we want. For me, my mom is my hero.

dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2013

Animal in me

Me animal is Walrus.

Famous Walruses         Careers and Hobbies 

 ·  Food inspector              · Drew Carey        
 ·  Store manager              · Roseanne Barr             
 · Government worker         · Wilford Brimley 
 ·  Actor                           · Boris Yeltsin                  
 ·  Watching TV
 ·  Babysitting
 ·  Dinner parties
 ·  Playing cards


The walrus is that ruddy uncle at the family reunion who dispenses charm and off-color jokes like donuts. Walruses have an unrelenting sweet tooth and a weakness for home cooking. Underneath that thick skin is a surprisingly sensitive spirit, but still, it's difficult to embarrass a walrus. Its infectious love for life contaminates everyone who has unprotected encounters with this hearty beast. As good-natured as they appear they can be cantankerous and aggressive when slighted. However, their bark is worse than their bite and their big-hearted natures soon reassert themselves.

Although it is accustomed to large groups of people, the walrus is self-contained and respects the privacy of others. It is happiest when surrounded by the comforts of home.

Walruses perceive work to be a complete waste of time, they are methodical and consistent employees. Deadlines and prefer careers that enable them to work at your own pace, particularly as engineers, government workers, food inspectors or managers.

These are jobs that fit me because Babysitting and I want to do for a long time. I love being an actor too because I've done some shows and do other good female roles. I create parties, because the party that I really like and really enjoyed this work and you would really want.
Drew Carey 

Roseanne Barr

dimarts, 24 de setembre del 2013

My summer

My summer of 2013 I worked in chickens. weekends and Thursdays wer pary days only party!! I went party to Girona, Manresa, Barcelona, Empuriabrava, Roses and Figueres. I just went one day to the beach. My friends and I went  shopping in Girona of Espai Girones. 
The partys is very very good, have much alcohol, peoples, cigars... First we went to go in house of my friend, then we drive in disco to the morning.