dimarts, 19 de novembre del 2013

The gothic Novel

1.) Who invented the G.N?

 Horace Walpole

2.) What was the first G.N?

The Castle of Otranto

3.) When was it first published? 


4.) Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?

Setting in a castle / An ancient prophecy / Omens, portents, visions / Women in distress / Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male / The vocabulary of the gothic


dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013

"Sleepy Hollow"

- Murder  (Assesinar)                                           - Decapitate (Decapitar)
- Murderer  (Assasi)                                             - Suspect (Suspitos)
- Investigator  ( Investigador)                                - Slain( Matar )
- Tomb ( Tomba )                                                 - Headless Horseman ( Ginet sense cap )
- Kill  (Matar )                                                      - Grave ( Tomba )
- Evil  Eye ( Mal d'ull )                                          - Cast a Spell ( embruixat )
- Bewiych ( Embruixat )                                        - Curse ( Malair o Maladicció )