dimarts, 21 de gener del 2014


· One's first love is always perfect until one meets one's second love. 
( El primer amor es sempre perfecte, fins que un troba el segon amor )
            Elizabeth Aston, The Exploits & Adventures of Miss Alethea Darcy, 2005

I chose this sentence because is true. Everything has a end even love. The heart is very big and he many loves.

dimarts, 17 de desembre del 2013


I dislike playing rugby and ice hockey but yes like to play basketball.
Basketball is a game with a ball and the ball to enter the basket. There are two team with five players. James Naismith invented it, in December 1891 at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Exists Wheelchair accessible.
Women's basketball began in 1892.
Positions of a basketball team:

Base: up the ball to the opposite field and directs the offensive play of his    
         team. Players are not of elevated stature, really important thing is the  
         organizational capacity and direction of play.

Escolta: Small, fast and agile than the other player.

Alero: It is an important position for his ability to combine height and speed.

Ala-Pivot: They support the pivot to prevent the opposing team's inside play, and close the rebound.

Pivot: Players taller team, and muscularly stronger


dimarts, 10 de desembre del 2013

Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is when the headless horseman returns of you head. The Headless horseman takes the bad girl, gives a kiss in mouth and takes go tree.
I like this scene because I did expected the end. The bad girl ends up with hedless horseman. The protagonist of boy is Jhonny Deep and de protagonist of girl is Christina Ricci. There could be many end
but there is now fun.

Johnny Depp Christina Ricci


dimarts, 19 de novembre del 2013

The gothic Novel

1.) Who invented the G.N?

 Horace Walpole

2.) What was the first G.N?

The Castle of Otranto

3.) When was it first published? 


4.) Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?

Setting in a castle / An ancient prophecy / Omens, portents, visions / Women in distress / Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male / The vocabulary of the gothic


dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013

"Sleepy Hollow"

- Murder  (Assesinar)                                           - Decapitate (Decapitar)
- Murderer  (Assasi)                                             - Suspect (Suspitos)
- Investigator  ( Investigador)                                - Slain( Matar )
- Tomb ( Tomba )                                                 - Headless Horseman ( Ginet sense cap )
- Kill  (Matar )                                                      - Grave ( Tomba )
- Evil  Eye ( Mal d'ull )                                          - Cast a Spell ( embruixat )
- Bewiych ( Embruixat )                                        - Curse ( Malair o Maladicció )

dimarts, 29 d’octubre del 2013

The Parties.

I like very much go to parties. I like disco, dance and sing. I like hear the disco miusic. A time to dance, do a lot of exercise and move much body. When I go on holiday is when I get dressed, use makeup for eyes, lips and face. Only use sports shoes.

The sweets

I like sweets. Strawberry, apple, banana, lemon ... all savor. A not good for the teeth and good for dentist. There are in many colours and differents forms. The savor I can't find a sweet, bitter, acid and piquant.